Open Cascade has released a new version of DMU Reviewer – a multi-CAD desktop viewer and analyzer.
The major updates relate to improvements in such features as Exploded view (it has become more configurable and can be saved as a separate view) and Notes (they have become more performant and can be exported from JSON format now).
One of the most demanded features was added – importing of PMI from .JT format. In previous versions this functionality was available for STEP files only.
Please follow the link to learn more.

The offshore wind energy sector is poised for a significant transformation with the launch of WinDTwin, a groundbreaking European-funded project aimed at revolutionising wind…

Open CASCADE Technology 7.7.1 is published featuring many improvements and corrections over the previous magor release 7.7.0.

The new release of added-value components for OCCT 7.7.0 provides around 100 bug fixes over the previous release.