
Open Cascade meets the challenges of Marine industry

12 Apr 2021

Becoming a GICAN (the French Marine Industry Group) associate in 2020, Open Cascade is glad to unveil all the advantages that we can bring to Marine industry with our proprietary cutting-edge technologies.

Digital transformation of the highly competitive marine industry involves big changes at all stages of production from design, engineering, modeling, and manufacturing to business processes management for profitability maintenance. Over the last 20 years, Open Cascade has gained significant experience in the field. Collaboration with the number of state maritime registers, industrial companies, educational and research organizations has allowed our engineers to enhance their expertise in the domain.

Open Cascade leverages its excellent end-to-end solutions in several spheres that become indispensable facing the growing needs and constraints of modern reality:

  • Consolidation, storage, and processing of large 3D data for large marine projects. Open Cascade helps multi-locational companies or multiple teams located in different places to collaborate on large-scale 3D data in a vendor-independent way (including integration of specific software families like Aveva or Hexagon). These solutions allow enterprise users to store, protect, access, process, share and collaborate on large-scale 3D data and associated metadata comprising hybrid 3D data of massive marine projects worldwide.
  • Solutions for different kinds of ship inspection. In this field Open Cascade expertize overspreads from work instruction for visual inspection done by ship personnel up to provision of a real structural digital twin of a ship that can give access to evolutions of a ship through many sets of inspection data of different ship states to see the changes in time. The inspection data can be augmented with a structural model of the ship and with reference technical data like results of engineering analysis based on inspection (e.g. thickness measurements).
  • Solutions for facilitating maintenance operation, renovation, retrofitting, etc. This group of solutions includes different simulation scenarios, interactive work instructions, immersive 3D trainings, where staff can be trained to navigate, perform typical maintenance operations, etc. remotely. Performant online spare parts catalogues and configurators can be of help for improvement of maintenance processes as well.
  • Solutions for enhancing design, and engineering tasks. These solutions eventuate from Open Cascade collaboration with marine software vendors and engineering companies. Based on our partners’ knowledge such software optimizes and speeds up design, construction, and operation workflows for vessels and marine facilities. Complex solutions for classification societies for ship assessment in the fields of the specific kinds of engineering analysis also outstand in this group.
  • Solutions to process legacy paper documentation and to extract light digital data from paper scans. Increased coherence and accessibility of plant project data can be achieved thanks to paperless collaboration and automation of processes.
  • Solutions for integration of metalworking workflows. These solutions can help shipyards and manufacturing software vendors in better planning of manufacturing processes, eliminating trials and errors and can be leveraged for manufacturing cost estimations and reduction.

Application of Open Cascade software can bring many benefits: design and modelling processes facilitation, more efficient information management, and access to information anytime from any place. Overall, our solutions provide measurable benefits in process optimization, reducing design and manufacturing time, and consequently costs.

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