
Open Cascade launches a renovated development portal!

05 Mar 2021

We are very excited to announce the release of our newly redesigned Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) development portal!

The new collaborative development portal features an updated Get Involved section expanding the ways to contribute to OCCT development. In addition to the code contribution, we encourage users to share their ideas and vision on OCCT development, help to educate other OCCT users by writing articles, blog posts and creating samples, contribute documentation and tutorials and just spread the word about OCCT getting involved in community activities.

Designed with a fresh touch, OCCT devportal provides detailed information about Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT), related projects and products and a dedicated section for OCCT-based research and science works from prominent research organizations and institutions all around the world.

In addition to extended contribution opportunities, more developer resources, and information new development portal features a renewed forum with wider threads coverage including not only OCCT development but also users queries and related projects discussions.

Created mobile and desktop compatible, the new portal corresponds with Open CASCADE Technology rebranding and represents a fresh look, new layout, improved structure and navigation, and higher user-friendliness.

Welcome to visit the renovated OCCT development portal.

Soon you will find an opportunity to increase OCCT tests coverage almost twice to make the transition to new OCCT versions smoother and easier! Stay in touch.

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Mobile version of the website is on development.  Please open the website on your desktop computer.
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