Using plane to slice solid and extract single face

I am kind of new to opencascade and coding in general, so bare with me. I need to slice a long beam and extract a face to use for further calculations (Area, second moment of area, etc.) But when I try slicing the beam with a plane, I only get a wire without any information where the cut goes though the material. I also tried cutting the beam into two solids and extract the new created face from the new created solid but that failed as well. I can’t seem to find anything useful. Do you have any advice on how to approach this?

Sniplet of a code I used to cut a solid using a plane:

from OCC.Display.SimpleGui import init_display
from OCC.Core.TopoDS import TopoDS_Shape
from OCC.Core.STEPControl import STEPControl_Reader
from OCC.Core.BRepAlgoAPI import BRepAlgoAPI_Section
from import gp_Pnt, gp_Dir, gp_Pln
from OCC.Core.BRepBuilderAPI import BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge, BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire
from OCC.Core.BRepMesh import BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh
from OCC.Core.TopExp import TopExp_Explorer
from OCC.Core.TopAbs import TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE
from OCC.Core.TopoDS import topods_Face

def load_step_model(file_path):
reader = STEPControl_Reader()
return reader.Shape()

def slice_model_with_plane(model, plane):
section_algo = BRepAlgoAPI_Section(model, plane)
return section_algo.Shape()

def extract_faces(shape):
face_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_FACE)
faces = []
while face_explorer.More():
face = topods_Face(face_explorer.Current())
return faces

def create_mesh(shape):
mesh = BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh(shape, 0.1)
return mesh

# Definition the plane
point_on_plane = gp_Pnt(10, 0, 0) # Point on the plane
normal_to_plane = gp_Dir(1, 0, 0) # Normal vector to the plane
plane = gp_Pln(point_on_plane, normal_to_plane)

# Load the STEP model
step_model_path = "Rechteckrohr_verjuengt_Volumen.stp"
step_model = load_step_model(step_model_path)

# Slice the model with the plane
sliced_model = slice_model_with_plane(step_model, plane)

# Extract faces from the sliced model
faces = extract_faces(sliced_model)

# Create a mesh from the sliced model
mesh = create_mesh(sliced_model)

# Visualize the result
display, start_display, add_menu, add_function_to_menu = init_display()

display.DisplayShape(step_model, color="blue")
display.DisplayShape(sliced_model, color="red")
