Is there a fast way to get the minimum distance between two vertices in a geometry?

I need a method to get the minimum distance between all the vertices in a geometry and write a one with two "for" loops. It works well when the geometry is simple, whereas it takes too much time if there are thousands of vertices.

Thus I want some help in this: if there is a simpler way provided or not? Or how can I do it with (O) complexity. Thanks a lot for providing information. Looking forward to replies.

jelle's picture

what if you store the vertices of the 2nd shape as a kd-tree? that would speed up things quite a bit...

Marco Nawijn's picture

I can confirm that a kdtree structure is very well suited for this case. In python you can find an implementation in both BioPython and scipy. I have generated a small wrapper class to make working with the kdtrees a little easier. You can find the code below. Note that it works easiest when you also have a Point class representing the point in 3D space.

class KDTree(object):
'''Represents a generic KDTree data structure. The current class is a small
wrapper around the Biopython KDTree class. It makes the interface a little
more convenient when using the KDTree class with higher level objects.


def __init__(self, dim=3, bucket_size=1):
'''Initializes a new tree and supporting data structures.

self.dim = dim

self._tree = _kdtree.KDTree(dim, bucket_size)

self._domain = {}
self.radii = None

self._idx_pid_map = {}

self.closest_points = None
self.closest_radii = None

def domain(self): return self._domain.values()

def domain(self, domain):
'''Property setter for domain.'''

context = 'KDTree._setDomain()'

M = len(domain) # Number of rows
except TypeError:
error('Domain should be a list or a tuple.', context)

if M==0:
error('No points in domain.', context)

N = self.dim # Number of columns

crds = empty((M,N),dtype='float32')

i = 0

for p in domain:
crds[i,:] = p.crds

self._idx_pid_map[i] =

self._domain[] = p



def search(self, target, radius):
'''Searches the domain for points that are located within the distance
specified by radius to the target point or coordinate.

The target can be either a Point instance or a cartesian coordinate.

All points and coordinates are treated as 3 dimensional. This implies
that additional zero entries are automatically inserted in the coordinate

Typical usage:

>> t = KDTree()
>> t.domain = domain # domain is a list of Point instances
>> target = Point(1, (5.0, 5.0, 0.0))
>>, 0.5)
Point 383, dim = 3, 4.778950, 4.950348, 0.000000, ndata = 0
Point 423, dim = 3, 5.075207, 5.242366, 0.000000, ndata = 0
Point 600, dim = 3, 5.160043, 4.737402, 0.000000, ndata = 0


# Make sure we start with an empty result data sets
self.radii = {}
self.closest_points = []
self.closest_radii = []

if isinstance(target, Point):
target = target.crds

if len(target)==1:
if isinstance(target, tuple):
target = list(target)
target.extend((0.0, 0.0))
if len(target)==2:
if isinstance(target, tuple):
target = list(target)
if len(target)>3:
error('Invalid number of components in target coordinates')

_c = array(target, dtype='float32'), radius)

idxs = self._tree.get_indices()
radii = self._tree.get_radii()

result = []
for idx, r in izip(idxs, radii):
pid = self._idx_pid_map[idx]
self.radii[pid] = r

return result

def closest(self, target, radius, npoints=1):
'''Obtain the "npoints" closest points to the target point. By default,
only a single point will be returned. If more points are required a list
of these points will be returned.

The number of points N can be one of the following:
N = 0
if there are no points within the specified radius

N = 1
if only one point is requested or if there is only 1 point within
the search radius

N = more than 1 but smaller than npoints
if there are less points within the radius than the number of
requested points

if there are more points within the radius than the number of
requested points

Typical usage:

>> t = KDTree()
>> t.domain = domain # domain is a list of Point instances
>> target = Point(1, (5.0, 5.0, 0.0))
>> t.closest(target, 0.5, npoints=3)
Point 383, dim = 3, 4.778950, 4.950348, 0.000000, ndata = 0
Point 423, dim = 3, 5.075207, 5.242366, 0.000000, ndata = 0
Point 600, dim = 3, 5.160043, 4.737402, 0.000000, ndata = 0
''', radius)

result = []
for pid, r in self.radii.items():

nresult = len(result)
if nresult>0:
for r in result:
if idx==npoints: break
radius, pid = r
point = self._domain[pid]

if len(self.closest_points)==1 or npoints==1:
return self.closest_points[0]
return self.closest_points
else: return None

Marco Nawijn's picture

Hmm...indentation is screwed while posting. If you want the code drop me a PM.



jelle's picture

cool! thanks for sharing that wrapper Marco...
perhaps you can add the .py file as an attachment?


Marco Nawijn's picture

Here it is. I included the definition of the Point class for your convenience ;). It should be trivial to change the code so it works with OCC vertices. I can take a look if someone is interested and add it to pythonocc. One thing I am currently looking at is changing the Biopython kdtree implementation for the one provide by scipy.


