Source Code of wntkit31 Demo

Anybody knows where is source code of Kitchen Demo that you can find at ?

Bob's picture

The source for that demo is avaliable in the complete OCC5 download ( - yes, it's big - 170 MB. But if you download it you get a whole lot more documentation. I would e-mail it to you, but - would that violate the license? Reading it, I guess not - as long as I include the license.

Mail me if you want it.

Bob's picture

Well, I was wrong. The kitchen demo you talk about is different than the one I was thinking of. But the demo page ( occ/download/demos/kitchen/) makes it sound like the source for it is included. Of course, I don't think it can be built without downloading the entire OCC, if that is what you mean.


Filippo Bottega's picture

I downloaded and checked the content of the wntkit31 Demo and I dind't found any source code.
Any suggestions?

Sharjith Naramparambath's picture

I had downloaded the kitchen demo when I had downloaded OCC4.0 last time. The demo neither has source code nor does it run because it links the OCC3 dlls and no source code so cannot recompile also. The GUI is built using FLTK.

N. Sharjith

Filippo Bottega's picture

No panic!
It's possible to run the demo but first it must change Path system variable:
1) add \\...IDONTKNOW...\kitchenwin\dll

Filippo Bottega's picture

No panic!
It's possible to run the demo but first you must change Path system variable:
1) add \\...IDONTKNOW...\kitchenwin\dll
2) remove old OCC dll link

Then run Rundemo.exe.
