Read-only access to Git repository for Ohloh

Dear admin

I can browse repository on-line with GitWeb interface but,
Ohloh ( can't use such interface.

How can Ohloh (and others) does to have a read only direct access to the Git repository?

Best regards

Andrey BETENEV's picture

Hello Paul,

We do not provide anonymous access to the OCCT Git repository. In order to get access to the repository you need to sign CLA and register SSH key.

Regarding Ohloh service, I have tried to understand how they will use the information from the repository, and found no details on that in their Terms of Service. In general, it is not clear what could be the benefit for OCCT to be listed there: on the first look, Ohloh is a social network for FOSS developers... and there are multiple complains on their forum that the data shown are not really correct. Thus I doubt if OCCT needs to be presented there at all. Could you please share your opinion on why OCCT presence on Ohloh would be useful?


Paul, Le's picture


May be it is not a good reason, but one of the other project is OpenCASCADE
OCCT is now referenced in the OpenCASCADE's related projects.

An other reason should be to impulse some "fuse" between the two instances of the same project (is it always true?)...

Sincerely yours