Point With Distance On Curve

Hi All,

Would somebody help me to solve the next problem:

I'd like to calculate point on general curve (Geom_Curve), which has defined distance from the point corresponded to first trimmed parameter (U0 = e.g. 0.0). Situation complicate nonuniform curves.

Best regards, Adrian

S. Routelous's picture

Hi Adrian,

you can try the package GCPnts ( GCPnts_UniformAbscissa ).

If it doen't work, you can make a sphere ( center = point(U0); Radius = distance ) and compute the intersection of the sphere with your curve ( GeomAPI_IntCS ).



Michael Sazonov's picture


> you can try the package GCPnts (
> GCPnts_UniformAbscissa ).

I think for the problem issued by Adrian he should use rather GCPnts_AbscissaPoint. See on-line documentation at http://www.opencascade.org/doc31/geometryutilities/P_17_2.htm