Mirror Transform and Reversed Faces

I start with a solid that is a basic box.
I create a reflection transform with gp_Trsf::SetMirror.
I then use BRepBuilderAPI_Transform to copy/reflect my box.
The result has Geom_Plane's with normals facing into the box and the TopoDS_Face's are not reversed.
However the wires have right handed orientation that point outside the box.
Is this valid or invalid?
Does this representation mean that I have an inverted box (equivalent to a cavity in a solid)?

I was under the impression that the face orientation would use/reverse the surface normal based on the orientation of the face, and that the wire right handed normal would correspond to the face normal. Are there special cases that are different?

Aaron Michalk's picture

I figured out that the planes are indirect surfaces, -z = x ^ y. Is it best practice to avoid or fix such surfaces? With ShapeCustom::DirectFaces?