Difference of BRepPrimAPI_Make* and gp_*

Hi there,

I'm fairly new to this framework and I don't really understand the difference between BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone and gp_Cone or BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder and gp_Cylinder. Of course they are different classes, but pratically what difference does it make which Package I use? Especially because I can get an TopoDS_Face object from both of them.

Thanks in advance!

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, BRepPrimAPI_* are tools to create topology with geometry. TopoDS_* is a topology. gp_* is pure geometry and Geom_* is the same pure geom. Directly you can't create topolofy from pure geometry (in most of the cases, excluding natural bound geometry).

Best regards, Dmitrii.


Andrew Young's picture

I see, thank you so much!