DCEL - Double Connected Edge List

Hello, I have a cluster of TopoDS_Edge and I want to build the face limited by the edges that contain a point (cursor position). Has OCC a double connected edge list structure to do that?

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Gustavo,
OCCT supports single-linked list model.

toranzolorca's picture

Thanks by your answer.
Is there any way to find all possible faces inside a group of edges using OCC?

jelle's picture

Yep, use the TopExplorer class...

Rob Bachrach's picture

You might want to check out the TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors function. This can create a map with edges as keys. The values are lists of faces that contain the corresponding edge.

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Gustavo,
In fact what you need is back reference.
Unfortunately OCCT data structures use another approach of references: from top to down.
See chapter "5. 3. 1 The TopoDS_Shape class" of "Modeling Data User's Guide".
Each father knows its children. So, you can iterate faces and find all dependencies you need.

toranzolorca's picture

Thanks by your fast answer, I read the chapter that Forum supervisor suggest and I studied TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors but I don't find the solution.

I believe that I did not explain my problem: I have a group of edges in a list, they do not share vertex, however some vertex have the same position (with Precision::Confusion()). I need to build the faces forms by that edges. Please see the attachment images.

Thanks in advance.

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Gustavo,
You can find some useful information at the chapters "3. 2. 3 Making Vertices, Edges and Faces" & "3. 2. 4 Making Wires and Shells" of the "Modeling Algorithms User's Guide".