Compiling using mingw64 failed

Platform: Windows 7 64bit
Compiler: mingw32-make.exe of the Mingw64 suite (GNU Make 4.1 built for x86_64-w64-ming32)
OC version: 7.2.0

I used Cmake to generate the make file, following this:
 build for mingw, using toolchain (where I defined the needed exe)
 - use D3D, Freeimage, GL2PS
 built type: release
 library type: shared
 all 3rd party defined using the corresponding binary packages provided by the windows installer

It Configures, and Generate the Makefile
I open a command prompt, go to my build directory, type mingw32-make then wait. It compiles a bunch of dll, until this error (at 46% completion):

src\TKD3DHost\CMakeFiles\TKD3DHost.dir\build.make:167: recipe for target 'win64/gcc/bin/libTKD3DHost.dll' failed
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:1460: recipe for target 'src/TKD3DHost/CMakeFiles/TKD3DHost.dir/all' failed
Makefile:116: recipe for target 'all' failed

what is happening?

Kirill Gavrilov's picture

Your output is incomplete - there should be an error in build logs pointing out to the issue.