Can't triangulate a FACE

Hello, I've problem with a face triangulation. I'm using the newest OCCT v7.7.2.
It's model of Ninja H2 motorbike. I've extracted the problematic part in CAD Assistant, the handlebars (model NinjaH2_handlebars1.step in the attachment):

Concretely it's this part:

Triangulation function in BRep_Tools.cxx returns NULL:

const Handle(Poly_Triangulation)& BRep_Tool::Triangulation (const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
                                                            TopLoc_Location&   theLocation,
                                                            const Poly_MeshPurpose theMeshPurpose)

In CAD Assistant the same model it looks like:

In different C++ tools presented in lection 12 from Quaoar (source code) looks like:

Any ideas, where is the problem?

Best Regards

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, I be able ro reproduce, I will create an issue.

Best regards, Dmitrii.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture