Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display

Hi all,
I am trying to run the Qt-OCC application in LINUX(SUSE 10.2) and getting the following run time error.
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display 0.0

A.Baskaran's picture

hi Rajesh
some graphics library are missing.
so check with u'r LD_LIBRARY_PATH try to append usr/lib and usr/local/lib in u'r LD_LIBRARy_PATH.

Note : check the Mesa LIBRARY. I think some mesa library are missing.

Rajesh Kishore's picture

Hi Baskaran,
that didn't work. Have u faced the similar problem? What exactlt I have to do.

Rajesh Kishore's picture

Hi Baskaran,
that didn't work. Have u faced the similar problem? What exactlt I have to do.

A.Baskaran's picture

hi rajesh
some Mesa library are missing.so check Mesa library in u'r system and set that path.

Rajesh Kishore's picture

Hi Baskaran,
Thanks now its working. I need to run the program on the main server.

Alvaro's picture

Did you manage to compile and run Qt-occ?

qt3 or qt4?

Do you use nvidia drivers, ati or something else?

