Is there a subset of OpenCascade that is not dependent on Visualisation libraries


I am new to OpenCascade, and am trying to obtain the minimal set of libraries required to read STEP and IGES files and compute triangulations. Unfortunately, every single subset that I have tried requires TKService.lib which is part of the Visualization. In addition, I would like to build without depending on any of the third-party visualization tools such as VTK, and Fonts library. I have read the documentation on how to build the application, but it seems like the libraries for data exchange do require the usage of TKService.lib. Can anyone please help me?



Catriel Carbonera's picture


Forget about my request. I figured it out. It turned out to be quite easy. I managed to write a simple add that reads step files.



Jarkko Rissanen's picture

Hi, i am also trying to do exact same thing. Can point me a right direction?



Catriel Carbonera's picture

Load the solution OCCT.sln from the OpenCascade\adm\msvc\vc1X directory into your solution. ( Simply remove the projects that don't compile from your solution. I didn't add TCL nor the font-type solution.

Catriel Carbonera's picture

Load the solution OCCT.sln under the directory OpenCascade\adm\msvc\vc1X.  (

Remove all projects that do not compile. I didn't install neither TKL nor the font libraries.

Catriel Carbonera's picture

Load the OpenCascade\adm\msvc\vc1X\OCCT.sln solution into your solution, and remove projects that don't compile.

 You don't need TCL nor fonts library.