Shape Fixing creating empty shape?

Hi Guys, 

I am following the shape fixing examples in the documentation and I have the following code. 

Standard_Real sphere_radius = 100.0;
TopoDS_Shape aShape = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere( sphere_radius ).Shape();
BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh ( aShape, 0.9 );

I know that the sphere shape created from this will contain some edges / triangles that are degenerate so I tried the following ... 

 Handle(ShapeFix_FixSmallFace) sffsm = new ShapeFix_FixSmallFace();
   sffsm -> Init (aShape);
   sffsm -> SetPrecision (1e-3);
   sffsm -> Perform();
   aShape = sffsm -> FixShape();

Following this I attempted to iterate through the faces of the shape. 


  // Tool to get triangles from triangulation taking into account face
  // orientation and location
  class TriangleAccessor
    TriangleAccessor (const TopoDS_Face& aFace)
      TopLoc_Location aLoc;
      myPoly = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (aFace, aLoc);
      myTrsf = aLoc.Transformation();
      myNbTriangles = (myPoly.IsNull() ? 0 : myPoly->Triangles().Length());
      myInvert = (aFace.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED);
      if (myTrsf.IsNegative())
        myInvert = ! myInvert;

    int NbTriangles () const { return myNbTriangles; } 

    // get i-th triangle and outward normal
    void GetTriangle (int iTri, gp_Vec &theNormal, gp_Pnt &thePnt1, gp_Pnt &thePnt2, gp_Pnt &thePnt3)
      // get positions of nodes
      int iNode1, iNode2, iNode3;
      myPoly->Triangles()(iTri).Get (iNode1, iNode2, iNode3); 
      thePnt1 = myPoly->Nodes()(iNode1);
      thePnt2 = myPoly->Nodes()(myInvert ? iNode3 : iNode2);
      thePnt3 = myPoly->Nodes()(myInvert ? iNode2 : iNode3);	

      // apply transormation if not identity
      if (myTrsf.Form() != gp_Identity)
        thePnt1.Transform (myTrsf);
        thePnt2.Transform (myTrsf);
        thePnt3.Transform (myTrsf);

      // calculate normal
      theNormal = (thePnt2.XYZ() - thePnt1.XYZ()) ^ (thePnt3.XYZ() - thePnt1.XYZ());
      Standard_Real aNorm = theNormal.Magnitude();
      if (aNorm > gp::Resolution()) theNormal /= aNorm;

    Handle(Poly_Triangulation) myPoly;
    gp_Trsf myTrsf;
    int myNbTriangles;
    bool myInvert;


for (TopExp_Explorer exp (aShape , TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next())
 TriangleAccessor aTool (TopoDS::Face (exp.Current()));
 std::cout << aTool.NbTriangles() << std::endl; 

But i find the aShape is now empty. Do I need to build the incremental mesh again? What was wrong with my approach here? 

Thanks !