Performance: OpenInventor vs OCC visualization

SGI release its OpenInventor 2.1 as open source. There is also 3.1 version from TGS. Who can give a comparison about graphic performance among common OpenInventor Implemenation and OCC Visulazation, such as Trangulization & Graphic3d package?

Lugi.C's picture

OpenInventor has more few class than OpenCascade, and more closer to the openGL,(if you see the implementation of it), the data structure of OpenInventor is more simple than OCC. Thus, on the data structure level, OIV should more faster than OCC.

I make some program use OIV, the visualization of it is more quickly, the interactive process such as changing the parameter of geometries and then redisplay it is so quickly.

The OIV has some optimization in its structure using openGL's displaylist technology(it called cach), but it didn't provide the trangulization of the shape.

fhchina's picture


I trace into the OCC's AIS_InteractiveContext::Display, it seems to first trangulize AIS_Shape then delegate the display task to OpenGL/Graphic3d.

I don't matter how they implement the interface to OpenGL. As I have known OpenInventor is much faster than OCC visualization, I want to use OIV to display the 'Outline' of a lot of objects.

Could you give some idea about using OIV together with OCC Visulization?

Tommy's picture

I'd like to know how can I model a surface in OCC and visualize it in Open Inventor, because I need od a stereo view.

Patrik Mueller's picture


you could triangulate the faces from the TopoDS_Shape and generate SoSeparators and SoFaceSets for example.



Tanaka's picture

OpenInventor and OCC are different type's software.
It is strange to compare these two software.


Ear MongHeng's picture

Hi all friend, i want to ask you a question. this is a first time that i use open inventor and open cascade. can i use both code together in one file(c++). i hope someone can help me.