Issue with Step Export of offset wire

Hey all,

I have a closed wire made from a 2d bspline

(airfoil_wire as generated here

and I do the following to it in pythonocc:

inner_translator = BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset()
inner_wire = topods.Wire(inner_translator.Shape())
step_writer = STEPControl_Writer()
Interface_Static_SetCVal("write.step.schema", "AP203")
step_writer.Transfer(inner_wire, STEPControl_AsIs)
status = step_writer.Write("box2.stp")

I end up with this result:

****** Statistics on Transfer (Write) ******

****** Transfer Mode = 0 I.E. As Is ******
****** Transferring Shape, ShapeType = 5 ******
*** Exception Raised with no Result

No matter what I do, I can't get around this error. If I export the airfoil wire I get not such error. Is there anything that looks wrong here? I've tried fixing the wire with the following but I've had no luck :(.

def fix_wire(wire):
face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(wire).Face()
fixer = ShapeFix_Wire(wire, face, 0.001)
return fixer.WireAPIMake()

tweeter0830's picture

PS, I have attached the files I am using if anyone would like to try.

Trevor Laughlin's picture

Did you ever find a solution for this? I seem to be experiencing the same issue...