graphic initialization error

I am going to test the open cascade.

My testing platform is windows nt 4.0 and ibm pc clone

and c++ compiler I use is visual c++ 6.0

and a graphic board I use is the firegl 1000 pro made by Diamond Multimedia.

And then, if I compile and execute the example downloaded from Open Cascade Site,

an error occurs as follows :

"Fatal Error During Graphic Initialisation"

This error occurs while graphic device is created as follows.


{myGraphicDevice = new Graphic3d_WNTGraphicDevice();}


{AfxMessageBox("Fatal Error During Graphic Initialisation");}

But, I don't know the cause of this error.

I want to know the method that I have to do to remove this error.

My e-mail address is

thank you

Philippe Poncot's picture

Have you set the :

CSF_GraphicShr variable ?

This variable is mandatory . for Example : set CSF_GraphicShr=e:\cascade4.0\windows_nt\dll\TKOpenGl.dll

in your settings .

There is some other environment variable . Please consult the FAQ at :

best regards
