FWOSPlugin ?

Hi !

The plugin needed for TDocStd_Application to work is the FWOSPlugin.dll (On Windows that is), this one is included with Open CASCADE, but it is not in the registry, so could some one tell me how I register it ?

I guess I need a .reg file to import to the registry, if any one have a .reg file for this I would be most grateful, also would it be possible to include a .reg file for FWOSPlugin in future versions of Open CASCADE maybe ?


Mikael Aronsson's picture

The documentation says that it will use the registry for the resources on Windows, but this is not the case, what you need is the files in the REGISTRY directory in the shapeviewers root directory and then you have to set this environment variable:

set CSF_PluginDefaults=.\REGISTRY

It would be nice if the files in the REGISTRY directory was included with the Open CASCADE package.

After this you can use the TDocStd_* classes
