3D Stereo View with OpenGL

Hi there, I'm planning to integrate a 3-d stereoscopic view into CASCADE applications. I found out that the best way to reach this is to use the OpenGL stereo mode. Does anybody have experience in this field and can help me to find out where to start? Thanks, Joerg

Andrew Lowe's picture

The first question is, what platform? The next question is how do you plan to have the user "use" the 3D capability? Are you using shutter glasses, a CAVE or what? If you are using NT then there are limits on the 3D capabilities of the cards, on the other hand if you are using an SGI box things are quite different.



Joerg Werhahn's picture

Thanks for your answer. I'm using OpenCascade on a WindowsNT 4.0 and on a Windows2000 computer. The software developping is done with the MS Visual Studio. In a first step it is planned to use shutter glasses with the Elsa gforce2 ultra graphic card. At the moment, this card does not support streoscopic view under NT, so that we will build first applications under Win95.

When the version with shutter galsses is running, we will integrate other viewing techniques.

Regards, Jörg