vs2010 and occ 6.80

Dear all
There is a problem when I run draw.bat
tkLoop:error in Tk initialization. Tcl reported: invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary"


Forum supervisor's picture

Dear qixianyu,
First check that the used configuration is the default configuration (vc10 & win64 & Release; see Release Notes).
The recent OCCT release is built for configuration - VStudio2010 & x64.
The 3rd-party products (like tcl, for example) are built also for this configuration. 
To run Draw call draw.bat:

draw.bat vc10 win64 Release
It should work.

If you are using another configuration you should rebuild OCCT first:
1) rebuild 3rd-party products or download available products from our site - http://www.opencascade.com/content/3rd-party-components
2) rebuild OCCT using msvc.bat command.
Best regards

qixianyu's picture

Dear Forum supervisor,

  I used my friend's computer to try it  ,  the used configuration is the default configuration (vc10 & win32 & Release;OCCT6.8).when  Installation complete,it can run successfully.I think maybe I first install OCCT6.9 and  use  the default configuration lead to I can't run successfully with OCCT 6.8 later.

  Thank you for your reply.

  Best regards
