A Simple Example

Hello, I need a simple example of displaying AIS_Shape with full support for rotating, panning e.t.c.

Please help!

Anastasia Kuvanova's picture

So I need control over the window in which the output AIS_Shape. For example, i need HWND of this window.

jelle's picture

Occ comes with a number of examples that do just that. Start there.

Anastasia Kuvanova's picture

Well, I working with standard examples for 4 days, and I still can't solve my problem.

My problem is:

1. I have AIS_Shape object and and nothing more
2. I need output this object in user-defined area of parent window (create child window with AIS_Shape image)

What steps do I need to do?

jelle's picture

That's a fairly encompassing question. Perhaps the following code provides some insight. https://github.com/tpaviot/pythonocc/blob/master/src/addons/Display/OCCV...

Anastasia Kuvanova's picture

Thank you, that's something. Are there any alternatives to the С/C++?

In my C++ code, I run into difficulties because of the intricacies of the various Open Cascade, which to me is not so easy to see from the python example (I don't know python)

Anastasia Kuvanova's picture

Can you tell what it is this piece of code?

t = Topo(aShape)

Anastasia Kuvanova's picture

Can you tell what it is this piece of code?

t = Topo(aShape) (from http://pythonocc.googlecode.com/svn-history/r999/trunk/src/addons/Utils/...)