opencascade::handle undefined behavior

Hi everyone,

I came across the piece of code in opencascade::handle class that looks as follows:

template <class T2, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_base_but_not_same<T2, T>::value>::type>
operator const handle<T2>& () const
return reinterpret_cast<const handle<T2>&>(*this);

I believe this is undefined behavior. A small example that illustrates it:

class A : public Standard_Transient
int a = 10;

class B : public A

void some_func(opencascade::handle<B> &b, const opencascade::handle<A> &a)
std::cout << a->a << std::endl;

int main()
opencascade::handle<B> b(new B());
const opencascade::handle<A> &a = b;
some_func(b, a);

Take a look at some_func. Modifying `b` object shouldn't affect `a` according to aliasing rules.

Will be glad to hear the feedback, thanks