OpenCascade Installation on Linux

[root@localhost Download]# cd OpenCASCADE_Linux/
[root@localhost OpenCASCADE_Linux]# ls
doc install.csh Linux readme.htm
[root@localhost OpenCASCADE_Linux]# cd Linux/
[root@localhost Linux]# ls
setup.jar setupLinux.bin
[root@localhost Linux]# java -jar setup.jar
The wizard cannot continue because of the following error: could not load wizard specified in /wizard.inf (104)
[root@localhost Linux]#

What can I do?I am using Fedora Core 9,the latest release of Fedora Project and I need to install OpenCascade.OpenCascade's RPM package is installed succesfully,but I want to install OpenCascade by using its wizard.

Every time,I take the error:

The wizard cannot continue because of the following error: could not load wizard specified in /wizard.inf

How can I get rid of this error?Can anybody help me,please?


Dennis G.'s picture
DeleDivaneeh's picture

Thanks for reply.

I have already looked at these posts,but at the end I loaded all of the OPenCascade libraries and then linked them,now the problem is over..