OCCT7: recommended approach to draw an on-screen crosshair (without old "Overlay API")


I already replaced my own RubberBand solution (implemented with Visual3d_Layer) by the new AIS_RubberBand. I want to follow the same approach with my on-screen crosshair (following the mouse cursor...) but there is certainly no AIS_CrossHair or something else.

My question is: what is the recommended approach to draw an on-screen crosshair in OCCT 7 with minimal latency (without redrawing entire 3D viewer content)?


Best regards


Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Thorsten,

If the issue is critical for you you contact us via the Contact Form - http://www.opencascade.com/contact.
We will try to help you.

Best regards

ronaldmiura's picture

3D Power Visualization pvt. Ltd

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Thorsten H.'s picture

This issue isn't critical for me. I chose this as an example for the new "immediate mode rendering features". I would really like to understand how this works for newer OCCT versions.

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Thorsten,
If you want to learn OCCT features more deeply you can consider
OCCT E-Learning courses (Fundamentals for example).

Best regards

Forum supervisor's picture

Besides some hints can be found in this article: : http://dev.opencascade.org/index.php?q=node/1080

Best regards


Thorsten H.'s picture

Ok, I think i got it working.

1) Create a new Class "AIS_CrossCursor", inherit from AIS_InteractiveObject.

2) Set Layer and TransformPersistence in the constructor

myDrawer->SetLineAspect (new Prs3d_LineAspect (Quantity_NOC_WHITE, Aspect_TOL_SOLID, 1.0));
SetTransformPersistence (Graphic3d_TMF_2d, gp_Pnt(-1, 1, 0));
SetZLayer (Graphic3d_ZLayerId_TopOSD);

3) Declare a new member variables for the drawing

Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolylines) myLines;
int myXAxisLeftPntIndex;
int my​XAxisRightPntIndex;
int my​YAxisTopPntIndex;
int my​YAxisBottomPntIndex;

4) Setup the Drawing in the constructor:

myLines = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolylines(4, 2);

// arbitrarily chosen values:

double centerX = 500.0;
double centerY = 500.0;
double width = 200.0;
double height = 100.0;
double halfWidth = width / 2.0;
double halfHeight = height / 2.0;

myXAxisLeftPntIndex = myLines->AddVertex(centerX - halfWidth, -centerY, 0.0);
myXAxisRightPntIndex = myLines->AddVertex(centerX + halfWidth, -centerY, 0.0);

myYAxisTopPntIndex = myLines->AddVertex(centerX, -centerY + halfHeight, 0.0);
myYAxisBottomPntIndex = myLines->AddVertex(centerX, -centerY - halfHeight, 0.0);

5) Create a new method to set the cross center (width/height are width/height of your View in px, centerX, centerY is the mouse pos)

void AIS_CrossCursor::setPosAndSize(const double & width, const double & height, const double & centerX, const double & centerY)
    myLines->SetVertice(myXAxisLeftPntIndex, 0, -centerY, 0.0);
    myLines->SetVertice(myXAxisRightPntIndex, width, -centerY, 0.0);
    myLines->SetVertice(myYAxisTopPntIndex, centerX, -0, 0.0);
    myLines->SetVertice(myYAxisBottomPntIndex, centerX, -height, 0.0);

6) Override the "Compute" Method

void AIS_CrossCursor::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& /*thePresentationManager*/,
    const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& thePresentation,
    const Standard_Integer /*theMode*/)
    Handle(Graphic3d_Group) aGroup = Prs3d_Root::CurrentGroup(thePresentation);

That's it.


  1. In "OnMouseMove" of your widget (I am using Qt) remember the mouse position.
  2. In "OnPaint" call "setPosAndSize", "display" or "redisplay", followed by "context->CurrentViewer()->RedrawImmediate();"

To extend your Class (LineType, LineColor, etc.) have a look at the source code of AIS_RubberBand (AIS_RubberBand.cxx).

Best regards
