New to OpenCascade, can't project to screen

Hi, I'm new to OpenCASCADE and currently woking through the bottle tutorial.

I can't figure out how to actually display the image to the screen.

I'm familiar with OpenGL but this has got me stumped and I can't find any resources specifically dealing with this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

batman's picture

Okay, I solved it. It was just much more involved than I originally thought.

For future generations coming across this post here's what I did for a standard MFC SDI program:

In the C**App class header file add these:

Handle_Graphic3d_WNTGraphicDevice GetGraphicDevice() const { return myGraphicDevice; } ;
Handle_Graphic3d_WNTGraphicDevice myGraphicDevice;

In the C*App cpp add this to the constructor:

{myGraphicDevice = new Graphic3d_WNTGraphicDevice();}
AfxMessageBox(L"Fatal error during graphic initialization",MB_ICONSTOP);

In C**Doc.h add these:

Handle_V3d_Viewer GetViewer() { return myViewer; };
Handle_V3d_Viewer myViewer;
Handle_AIS_InteractiveContext myAISContext;

In C**Doc.cpp add these to the constructor:

Handle(Graphic3d_WNTGraphicDevice) theGraphicDevice = ((COCCTestApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetGraphicDevice();
myViewer = new V3d_Viewer(theGraphicDevice,(short *) "Visu3D");
myAISContext =new AIS_InteractiveContext(myViewer);

In C**View.h add this to the class:

Handle_V3d_View myView;

In C**View.cpp:

myView = GetDocument()->GetViewer()->CreateView();
Handle(Graphic3d_WNTGraphicDevice) theGraphicDevice = ((COCCTestApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetGraphicDevice();
Handle(WNT_Window) aWNTWindow = new WNT_Window(theGraphicDevice,GetSafeHwnd ());
if (!aWNTWindow->IsMapped()){


after constructing the bottle, add this in OnDraw:

Handle(V3d_Viewer)aViewer = GetDocument()->GetViewer();
aContext = new AIS_InteractiveContext(aViewer);

Handle(AIS_Shape) aisthing=new AIS_Shape(aRes);

I'm still new at this so the above could be a terrible way of doing it, but it kind of works

Anastasia Kuvanova's picture

A thousand thanks!!!