LNK1104 cannot open file 'TKOpenGl.lib' mfcsample

I just cloned OCCT repo and using cmake, created projects for Modules and Samples. When building "mfcsample", I am getting linking error "LNK1104 cannot open file 'TKOpenGl.lib' mfcsample". I searched for "TKOpenGl.lib" in the entire repo, it is not found. In cmkae I have not selected the option "USE_OPENGL" but I guess this lib is needed for mfcsample. So where can I find it?

Rajendra Pardeshi's picture

Also, I did not find 'opengl.lib' in the entire repo.

Kirill Gavrilov's picture

opengl32.lib (not opengl.lib) is a system library. TKOpenGl toolkit in Open CASCADE is a Graphic3d_GraphicDriver implementation based on OpenGL.

Rajendra Pardeshi's picture

Found the answer - I need to use the option "USE_OPENGL" which I was unchecking while configuring cmake.