How to convert TrueType text to curve, surface or solid shape?


In Rhino, there provids a TextObject. By this function, you can convert text to curve, surface or solid shape. Does anyone have clue about this it?
A thread is related with it, but no more information further.

Thanks in advance.


Cauchy Ding's picture

I have solved it by modifying a sample named glyph in Windows platform. It uses a system API

Stephane Routelous's picture

if you want to be Win32 independent, you can use FreeType ( )

Cauchy Ding's picture

Hi Stephane,


Arjan Schouten's picture

Hello Cauchy,

Would you like to share your code? I am about to do the same and don't want to reinvent the wheel if possible.

Kind regards,


jelle's picture

interesting thread; OCC links to Freetype, right, I wonder if there's not a call in OCC itself to get the outlines?

Cauchy Ding's picture

Hi Arjan,

Attachment is the sourcecode from website. He uses GDI to render the outline of text. You'd better read it firstly. My code is basically from this code.


Cauchy Ding's picture

Hi Arjan,

Attachment is my APIs. It can't be compiled in your system because there are some my project dependent APIs.
The basic idea is to make line/bezier curves, using those curves to construct wire, using thouse wires to make a plane face.

