Enviroment Variable Issues?

Hello I installed OpenCASCADE 7.4.0 in windows using prebuilt installer, whenever I try to build a project uses OCCT I got thiss error:

'C:/occt-3rdparty/Windows-64-VC14/freeimage-3.17.0-vc14-64/lib/FreeImage.lib', needed by 'Example.exe', missing and no known rule to make it"

but it is in located at C:\OpenCASCADE-7.4.0-vc14-64\freeimage-3.17.0-vc14-64\lib\FreeImage.lib

I tried to call env.bat but it doesnt help.

When I try to move library to referred folder it gaves the same error for a different library (vtk).

Help needed.

MHebes's picture

I'm seeing the same thing trying to use prebuild 7.7.0 binaries in a CMake project. Simple find_package and trying to link to OpenCASCADE_LIBRARIES fails with:

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\occt-3rdparty\Windows-64-VC141\angle-gles2-2.1.0-46ad513f4e5b-vc14-64\lib\libEGL.lib'