Draw Test Harness does not recognize any of the tutorial's command...


I installed and tried some features of the CASCADE.
But I could not run the 'circle' command successfully with the Draw Test Harness.
I typed help and there was no such a command like circle or whatever as is written in the 'what is test harness'.

I am using it on Windows XP and I could not use CASCADE on Linux since I could not manage to rebuild the kernel to suit for CASCADE....

Is this normal?

Thank you for your attentions.


sergey zaritchny's picture

Hi Toshi,
To use Draw Test Harness services it is necessary to load corresponding group of additional commands. To load Geometry & Topology commands use, please, command:

To load all commands:
pload ALL

For details see chapter "1.3 Getting started" of "Test Harness User's Guide".