BRepAlgoAPI_Common Bug?

Dear everyone,

The following result in OCC 6.5.3.

Draw Test:

pload ALL
polyline l 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 5 0 3 5 0 3 3 0 2 3 0 2 5 0 0 5 0 0 0
mkplane sf l
prism s sf 5 0 0

polyline w1 -2 2.5 2 7 2.5 2 7 7 2 -2 7 2 -2 2.5 2
mkplane f1 w1
bop s f1
bopcommon c1
ttranslate c1 0 0 9

polyline w2 -2 2.5 3 7 2.5 3 7 7 3 -2 7 3 -2 2.5 3
mkplane f2 w2
bop s f2
bopcommon c2
ttranslate c2 0 0 10

polyline w3 -2 2.5 4 7 2.5 4 7 7 4 -2 7 4 -2 2.5 4
mkplane f3 w3
bop s f3
bopcommon c3
ttranslate c3 0 0 11

Is the result of c2 right?
The result was one FACE although I expected that two FACEs returned.


Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Hayashi ,
I would like to inform you that the posted problem has been checked and reproduced.
I suggest you to register the issue in Mantis Bugtracker which is available via the Collaborative portal -

Koichiro Hayashi's picture
Koichiro Hayashi's picture

This issue was solved by OCCT6.6.0.
Thank you!